how much extra is fair to charge for an English paper/book
could the Spanish airport security be any less concerned with security
I need to earn more money
I need to learn more languages
culture is key
the armrests on a plane, train or automobile are not just for you mister
phone calls in airports should not be loud
personal smells should be kept to oneself at all times
books I brought with me
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez (finished it only to wonder why this, not 100 Years of Solitude, seems to be the big name hit. It was long and arduous but I'm glad I slogged through, no one paints a picture with word like Garcia Marquez)
The Secret History - Donna Tartt (finished, a must read)
Kitchen Confidential - Anthony Bourdain (finished - brilliant, true and funny)
A Cook's Tour- Anthony Bourdain (it made me want to go everywhere and I've been quoting it for months..."Well, in his book Anthony Bourdain said about Japan...")
Downer's Grove - not important who it was written by it sucked. Purchased in Prague in a desperate attempt to avoid serious was a mistake
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